

This is a place for family and friends to catch up and find out what is and what will be going on in my unchaotic life.

I work, bowl, work, travel, work and work. I'll be working on my Travel page once I get back from my next trip so stay tuned. I work for a valve supply company Valves Unlimited, Inc. as the IT Guy/Answer Man. It's a great little company I've had the pleasure of working for over the last 20 years. With the recent software switch to Activant's Prophet21, I've put in a lot of hours learning every aspect of this fantastic wholesale Distribution software. Form design, database setup and management and training have been tough but rewarding. If nothing else, I've got some job security out of it.

As for travel, I've been to Mexico (of course), Belize, Italy, Switzerland, France, England, Australia, New Zealand and the airport in Fiji. I've been to Vancouver BC and 27 States including Alaska & Hawaii. I had planned on going to Greece, but with the chaos that is Greece right now, that just isn't an option. Maybe Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain or Portugal. I may just hit a few of the states I haven't been to yet in the mid-west.

My Microblog